Intermediate 420 Racing is for sailors who have recently graduated or aged-out of our Opti Racing program, sailors who have recently completed CRYC Summer Camp and are looking to race, or for sailors looking to develop their 420 techniques. Sailors will have the opportunity to learn the finer points of sailing and racing a 420. The coach will review all things 420 from rigging and tuning, to maneuvers, skipper and crew communication, race courses, etc. The sailors will be continually challenged so as to bring them to a level that they would be comfortable racing the full regatta schedule. The Intermediate 420 Race Team will gear up to race one or two events in the fall session as a means to practice goal setting and learn the basics of what it takes to travel as a member of a 420 team.
The Intermediate 420 team practice Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00am to 5:30pm. The more consistent sailors are with their attendance, the more excited they will be to compete as their skills will be developing to a place where they are confident sailors.